Saturday, November 22, 2008


I want the world to be ubiquitos. ASAP!
You don't know what I mean?

Once you watch Dorae-mon, a Japanese animation, You'll see what I mean.
In this animation, Dorae-mon, who is a intellectual robot, always gives Nobita, his owner, machines of future.
One of machines is a time machine, another is a so-called "small light", whose light reduces the size of irradiated things.
The best machine, I think, is the Dokodemo-Door.
In Japanese, the name means "wherever-door".
One simple door is put out of Dorae-mon's mystic pocket.
This door brings Nobita to anywhere he wants to go.
When Nobita opens the door, -beyond the door- he will see the place where he wants to see.

My girl sometimes wants the imaginary door.
If I were Dorae-mon:p

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Symphonic rock: Joe Jackson

YouTube - Joe Jackson - Wasted Time
Symphonic rock, derived from progressive rock, is unique genre of music.
I know only some bands keeping themselves in symphonic rock.
Show you an example, Gentle Giant.
Gentle Giant was the most brilliant band I had ever known about in this genre.

Joe Jackson is a musician writing symphonic rock songs.
I listened and found it is better(previous link).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

SaaS: Software as a Service

I think this world is changing again - with Software as a service, which is called SaaS. SaaS brings us, human beings, a power of routine works with so little cost.
This world changed with gas and electricity. Gas enables us to go far away with vehicles, which means we are freed from location restriction. Electric devices and electric power infrastracture bring us physical power to move anything, which means we are freed from physical power restriction.
This world changed with Internet. Internet enables us to communicate each other even if we are apart, which means we are freed from knowledge restriction.

SaaS is coming. What does this mean?
I think this means we will be freed from time restriction.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Win XP + AVGのスキャンで、XPが死亡する不都合

AVG anti-virus(無償版、有償版含む)をインストールしているWindows XPのパソコンが、AVGのスキャン後の処理で、誤ってWindows XPのシステムファイル(消してはいけない)user32.dllを消してしまうという不都合が起きることが分かった。
誤って消したあとのパソコンは、再起動した場合、Windows XPが正常に起動しない。

最新版Anti-virus 8.0とその前のバージョン7.5が影響を受ける。


上記不都合が起きると、ユーザはWindows XPのインストールCDでファイルを復旧する必要がある。

Buzz Out Loud(ラジオ)のTom Merritは、「これはもはやクラッキング(情報不正)だな」と言っているが、私もそう思う。
ComputerWorldの情報、およびBuzz Out Loudの情報より。
AVG virus scanner removes critical Windows file | Security and the Net
Buzz Out Loud 850: Cooley hates space | Buzz Out Loud - CNET's 'podcast of indeterminate length' - CNET Blogs
Update: Flawed AVG antivirus update cripples Windows XP PCs
Windows XPに障害:AVGがシステムファイルをウイルス扱いするトラブル - ITmedia News

Welcome My Blog

I'm Hiro. Call me [hi:ro].
Now my blog, "Bamboo Flower", is to be renewed.
- Introducing English edition.
Though I have written previous articles in Japanese (of course, because I'm in Japan),
for learning English writing I made a decision.
Step by step. More and more.
I aim at explaining my opinion all over the world.
Here I start.
Feed back to me about anything.




Make Link: one-click link edit

I love a firefox add-on, "Make Link".
Make Link :: Firefox Add-ons
This add-on enables you to copy your clipboard a hyperlink string toward your visiting site, with only one right-click.
If you heavily make hyperlinks on your blog, bibliographies on your document files, or link codes on wikipedia, you will reduce these costs toward O(n) level using this add-on.